Take action on SB 127

SB 127 is the Complete Streets for Active Living Bill which would make Caltrans align its work on state roadways with goals for walking, bicycling, and transit.  But the bill is going to have a tough time getting through the Assembly Transportation Committee on July 8, according to Calbike, the organization leading the charge on the bill. 

Seamless supports this bill because it helps lay the groundwork for using state roadways to support an integrated high performing, easily and safely accessible priority bus network. So please let your assembly members know how important this bill is for pedestrian and cyclist safety, transit access, and sustainable transportation. If you have just a moment, click here.  

For more info, read on….

In the Bay Area, SB127 would apply to roadways that Caltrains owns and maintains, including San Pablo Ave and the southern part of International Blvd in the East Bay, parts of Van Ness Ave, Lombard St, Park Presidio Blvd and 19th Ave in San Francisco, and El Camino Real on the Peninsula. 

SB127 would require the state to prioritize projects that benefit pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users in future highway projects. It would also require evaluating proposed projects based on whether they prioritize accessibility and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users, and whether they increase vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

The VMT requirement would be a major shift from previous standards that focus on reducing congestion for solo drivers. Under the new rules, features and designs that help increase the use of transit, bicycling and walking would be favored.  

Furthermore, it would require Caltrans to work with local cities, pedestrian and bicycle organizations especially in low-income communities. This would ensure that local roads receive the same degree of local input that roads operated by municipalities already follow.  

CalBike is concerned that the following provisions could get stripped from the bill:

  • Requiring safety improvements with every repaving project on most state-owned roads (with reasonable exceptions)

  • Elevating safety considerations in setting the priority of repaving and rehabilitation projects

  • Involving community organizations and local governments when a project is planned

Residents of AD24 (Berman) and AD25 (Chu) are being urged to reach out to their reps, but even if you aren't a resident of those districts it would still be great to reach out and remind your reps of the importance of this bill.

You can use this action form from Calbike: https://www.calbike.org/vote-yes-on-sb-127-for-complete-streets/ . It helps to customize your letter with a personal sentence for why you want this bill, and encourage the Assembly members to, please keep the provisions for prioritizing safety, for community collaboration, for assessing projects based on how they can reduce driving.

Adina Levin