82 Supporting Organizations, Businesses, or Associations
26 Supporting Public Entities
The Seamless Transit Principles have been developed by a coalition of non-profit groups to guide local, regional, and state decision-makers to pursue a seamlessly integrated, world-class transit system that works for people. They build off of the analysis and strategies identified in SPUR’s 2015 report, Seamless Transit.
You can show your support for seamless, world-class transit system by signing our petition (2,100 signatures and counting), or by getting your city, county, transit agency board, or organization to adopt the principles:
For Organizations or Companies: Fill out this online form to endorse the Seamless Transit Principles
The Principles
#1: Run all Bay Area transit as one easy-to-use system
Public transit must work as one seamless, connected, and convenient network across the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Getting around on transit should be as fast and easy as driving a car. Coordinated bus, rail, and ferry routes and schedules should encourage effortless transfers. Consistent and clear customer information, branding, and maps should make using transit simple and dignified.
#2: Put riders first
Riders should feel comfortable when using transit and be treated like valued customers. Public transit agencies must do more to listen to riders and continuously improve service. They must prioritize riders’ needs above all else, and overcome all operational, political and bureaucratic barriers to provide an excellent and seamless customer experience.
#3: Make public transit equitable and accessible to all
People of all income levels, ages, abilities, genders, and backgrounds should have access to world-class public transit. People who are the most reliant on transit are best served by a universal, inclusive, regionally integrated, connected system that is used by all. People with limited means to pay for transit should be provided with discounts.
#4: Align transit prices to be simple, fair, and affordable
Transit should provide good value for money. Fares across the region’s 27 public transit agencies must be aligned into a consistent, fair, and affordable system that encourages using transit for all types of trips and doesn’t punish riders for transferring. Passes offered should work across all transit agencies, and be made available to individuals, employers, and schools to promote transit use.
#5: Connect effortlessly with other sustainable transportation
A person’s journey does not end when they get off a bus or exit a station. Excellent pedestrian, bicycle, and other pollution-free transportation options should seamlessly connect public transit to communities and destinations, supporting door-to-door trips that don’t require a car.
#6: Plan communities and transportation together
High quality public transit should be at the heart of communities across the Bay Area. Transportation should be closely aligned with our region’s land use, promoting a connected network of transit-oriented, walkable communities that expands access to affordable housing and job opportunities, while reducing car travel and greenhouse gas emissions.
#7: Prioritize reforms to create a seamless network
A regionally integrated, world-class transit system won’t happen on its own -- it will take leadership, unprecedented levels of cooperation, and changes to existing local, regional, and state policies. The cities, counties, public transit agencies, regional authorities, business leaders, advocacy groups and elected representatives of the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California “megaregion” must prioritize the broad public interest and urgently work together collaboratively to advance critical reforms. Our future depends on it!
Sign Our Petition
Show your support for the Seamless Transit Principles and tell key Bay Area elected and appointed leaders that they must prioritize creating an integrated reliable regional transit system connecting the Bay Area. View Full Petition Here.

Public Entities: Transit Agencies, Cities, Counties, & School Districts
Organizations, Businesses, and Associations
Email us to have your organization or company added to this list.