[Webinar] New State Rail Plan Explained: A vision for an integrated, cohesive California rail network
12:00 PM12:00

[Webinar] New State Rail Plan Explained: A vision for an integrated, cohesive California rail network

Tune into this webinar to learn about the plan from California State Transportation Agency staff. Researchers and advocates will give their reaction to the updated plan including cost analysis, the political changes needed to implement reforms, and upcoming funding and reform opportunities.

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Ride-Along to California Transit Transformation Task Force Meeting
8:00 AM08:00

Ride-Along to California Transit Transformation Task Force Meeting

  • 1615 Broadway Oakland, CA, 94612 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Bay Area transit riders and Transit Transformation Task Force members for a 'ride-along' prior to the June 17th SB 125 Task Force meeting in San Francisco. This ride along is being organized by transit advocacy groups in the Bay Area, including Seamless Bay Area, Public Advocates, San Francisco Transit Riders, Senior and Disability Action, and others.

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Transit Advocacy at the Downtown Berkeley Farmers Market
10:00 AM10:00

Transit Advocacy at the Downtown Berkeley Farmers Market

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Seamless Bay Area will be at the Downtown Berkeley Farmers Market on May 18th from 10am to 3pm to talk to voters about the importance of public transportation, mobilize people in preparation for a 2026 regional transportation funding measure, and also to get some food and fresh produce. Please fill out the linked form if you are interested in joining our volunteer crew!

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SB 1031 Launch Party with Senator Scott Wiener and more!
6:00 PM18:00

SB 1031 Launch Party with Senator Scott Wiener and more!

Join Seamless Bay Area, State Senator Scott Wiener, and friends as we celebrate the launch of SB 1031, the Connect Bay Area Act. This bill is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform Bay Area transit with an expected $1-2 billion in annual funding for more robust transit service, transit and safe street improvements, and climate resilient transportation infrastructure. Vital policy reforms in the bill will help guarantee that new and existing funding go further, delivering convenient, well-coordinated service and making sure our buses and trains are faster, safer, and more reliable.

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10:00 AM10:00

Seamless Bay Area at Viva CalleSJ

Join Seamless Bay Area as we talk to people at Viva CalleSJ! This event is a free recreation program that temporarily closes miles of San Jose streets to bring communities together to walk, bike, skate, play, and explore the city. This will be a great opportunity for us to hear from people about their experience using transit, the efforts underway to improve their rides, and the advocacy Seamless Bay Area and other organizations are leading to ensure Bay Area transit is fast, reliable, convenient, well-coordinated, affordable, and accessible.

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Seamless 101: Who we are and getting involved in transit advocacy
5:30 PM17:30

Seamless 101: Who we are and getting involved in transit advocacy

Looking to get involved in transportation advocacy? New to Seamless Bay Area and not sure exactly what we do? This webinar is perfect for you! On April 16th, join us for this meeting to get a quick overview of who we are. We’ll key you into some exciting volunteer opportunities to help spread awareness about the importance of public transportation and upcoming actions people can take to build a world-class system right here in the Bay Area.

We’ll have time for Q&A at the end of the meeting.

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10:00 AM10:00

Public Outreach at the Love Our Earth Festival

Join us at the Love Our Earth Festival for our first tabling event of 2024! The 3rd annual Love Our Earth Festival brings together exhibits and experts from all different areas in support of a more vibrant and eco-friendly communities. The 2024 Festival is hosted by the Cities of East Palo Alto and Menlo Park, Peninsula Clean Energy, 350 Silicon Valley, Acterra, and Menlo Spark.

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All Things Housing Happy Hour
5:30 PM17:30

All Things Housing Happy Hour

  • Barebottle Brewing Company - Menlo Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Don't miss this awesome cross-county YIMBY/transit party at the Barebottle Brewing Company in Menlo Park. Get ready to mingle, make friends, be inspired, and plot our next housing moves with like-minded individuals from across our two counties. Snacks and the first round are on us!

Barebottle Brewing Company is located in the new Springline development next to the Menlo Park Caltrain station. For anyone interested, we will take a walk through the development's publicly accessible open space (complete with patio chairs, places to gather, and a dog park).

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12:30 PM12:30

What It Took to Win: Keeping Transit Moving webinar

SPUR is hosting a virtual discussion on the “Survive and Thrive Coalition” who successfully won $5 billion for temporary transit operations funding in last year’s California state budget. Facing a huge statewide deficit, this campaign was far from easy. Peek behind the scenes of this collective impact campaign to learn how local, regional, and state advocates worked together with public agencies to persuade elected officials to ensure the Bay Area keeps moving. Seamless Bay Area’s Policy Director Adina Levin is featured on the panel. 

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6:00 PM18:00

Happy Hour with the Overhead Wire's Jeff Wood, Urban Environmentalists, and Streets for People

Join us at Elixir in SF’s Mission District this Thursday for a happy hour with other Bay Area advocacy groups Urban Environmentalists and Streets for People, and with the Overhead Wire's Jeff Wood – a local journalist who talks about cities and sustainable transportation with advocates, elected officials, researchers, and other interested parties. 

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