New report outlines options for centralized transit network management

Seamless Bay Area’s new report outlines four potential options for a Bay Area transit network manager that could help bring transformative change to our transit system.

Seamless Bay Area’s new report outlines four potential options for a Bay Area transit network manager that could help bring transformative change to our transit system.

Seamless Bay Area was founded in 2018 with a visionary idea: that Bay Area transit should be integrated, accessible, and easy to use. We also had a vision for how to make it happen: establishing a lead authority, or network manager, with the mandate and resources to integrate all forms of public transportation in our region into a cohesive, easy-to-use network.

Seamless Bay Area is proud to release Governing Transit Seamlessly: Options for a Bay Area Transportation Network Manager, a report that outlines options for a Bay Area transit network manager that could help bring transformative change to our transit system. This report is the culmination of years of research, interviews, and advocacy on how to restructure our region’s transportation institutions.

We are hopeful that Governing Transit Seamlessly will help to fuel and shape an ongoing regional conversation about how to create a truly comprehensive, equitable, and robust transit network in the Bay Area.

Download our report.

Stephanie Beechem