It's time to talk about consolidating Bay Area transit agencies

It’s all over the news - transit in the Bay Area is in trouble, and needs immediate funding from the state to avoid massive cuts that would disproportionately hurt low-income transit dependent people - and lead to a huge increase in driving. If there was ever a time to take a hard look at agency consolidations - combining some of our 27 agencies to both improve decision-making, capacity, effectiveness, and efficiency - it is now. 

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Ian Griffiths
Progress made towards regional, public micro-mobility

A $16M expansion of the Bay Wheels bike-share contract was approved by the MTC Operations Committee at their February 10th meeting. The contract will increase the range and quality of the bike-share service while lowering the cost for riders. This is an important first step toward using public funding to provide affordable, easy-to-access bikeshare as part of a well-integrated public transportation system.

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George Spies
Legislators demand systemic solutions for transit fiscal crisis

In recent weeks, transportation policy and budget committees in the California legislature have held several hearings focused on the fiscal cliff facing public transportation in the state. 72% of agencies - serving 80% of the state’s current transit riders - will be facing budget shortfalls in the next several years as federal Covid relief funding runs out. 

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Adina Levin