Have 30 seconds and support environmentally-friendly transportation investments in Contra Costa County? Sign this TransForm petition to show your support.
Read MoreWe recently published our Seamless Bay Area Vision Map, developed in partnership with Interline. The work illustrates what a seamless public transit system would look like, and tells a data-driven story of the benefits that the system would bring, like the hundreds of thousands of jobs that would become accessible by transit.
Read MoreFollow the steps below to take action and tell your transit agency Board Members to move ahead with Fare Integration.
Read MoreSign our petition to help us build broad support among cities, transit agencies, employers, and elected officials for seamless transportation.
Read MoreSB 127 is the Complete Streets for Active Living Bill which would make Caltrans align its work on state roadways with goals for walking, bicycling, and transit. The good bill is at risk with an upcoming hearing on July 8.
Read MoreLatest forum “A Vision of a Megaregion” shows ambition, but will require strong advocacy and political champions to become a reality.
Read MoreAn increasing number North American transit agencies have a “Chief Customer Officer” to help better orient service around riders’ needs, but none are in the Bay Area.
Read MoreThe Dumbarton project is a perfect illustration of why the Bay Area needs a clear lead regional authority to oversee the and integrate the region’s public transportation system.
Read MoreSeamless Bay Area has been busy over the past year working on state legislation to reform governance - here’s an update on our progress.
Read MoreRead Ben Keller’s thoughtful take on what it’s like to get up at 4 in the morning and ride Bay Area transit all day.
Read MoreWrite to the MTC Commissioners searching for the next MTC Executive Director - let them know how important great regional leadership is to you.
Read MoreThe MTC is looking for new leadership, and we think we can do so much better: in a new blog post, we profile some regional transportation superstars for inspire and excite.
Read MoreWe at Seamless Bay Area believe it is a step in the right direction to allow entities other than public agencies to submit ideas for projects. At the same time, the entire process highlights a fundamentally flawed, backward approach to regional planning. Read our submission to MTC’s Request for Transformational Projects.
Read MoreSan Francisco Transit Riders and Seamless Bay Area are honoring the region’s most committed people, places, and projects that are helping to make our transportation system a more enjoyable experience and we’d like your nomination. Who or what would you like to recognize for their work in creating a transportation culture that champions the experience of those who use it?
Read MoreA SPUR forum titled the “State of Regionalism – Transportation” shows just how far the Bay Area is away from making progress on a seamless transportation.
Read MoreIn part 1, we learned how and why The ATL, metro Atlanta’s new regional transit agency, might be beneficial to that community. But will ideas that worked in Atlanta also work here in the Bay Area? We look into the key elements of The ATL, and their potential value to solving our own regional transit challenges.
Read MoreSupport the MTC’s Means-Based Fare Program, an important step on the long road to regional fare integration. Learn why this is important and how you can take action.
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