Free/Reduced Cost Transfers in the Works with Clipper 2.0 Next Year

MTC is developing a policy for no-cost and reduced-cost transfers on the next-generation Clipper 2.0 system rolling out next year, bringing us one step closer to realizing the Fare Policy Vision approved last year by MTC and transit agencies. On October 17, the project team presented its updated draft policy for the project, giving a better view of what free and reduced cost transfers might look like in the near future.

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Elijah Burckin
This week, MTC and BART start planning to address transit fiscal cliff

The Bay Area’s regional planning organization and largest regional transit agency are starting to grapple with the specifics of the impending financial crisis when federal Covid relief funding runs out as transit ridership has been returning gradually. Last month, the MTC outlined a general strategy to pursue fiscal bridge funding from the state, while working in a longer time frame on a regional funding measure. The work is now beginning in earnest.

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Adina Levin
Seamless Bay Area endorses San Francisco Proposition L, Oakland Measure U; SF voters should also vote NO on Prop I, YES on Prop J

Bay Area voters will have the opportunity to consider a number of ballot measures and propositions related to public transit and active transportation in the upcoming November election. Seamless Bay Area is proud to endorse ‘yes’ votes on San Francisco Proposition L and Oakland Measure U; we also recommend that San Francisco residents vote ‘no’ on Proposition I and ‘yes’ on Proposition J.

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Adina Levin
One year after Bay Area leaders committed to transform transit, report card shows progress is mixed

Today, Bay Area civic groups jointly released a Transit Transformation Report Card tracking the region’s progress toward integrating the region’s 27 transit systems. The Report Card is being released on the one-year anniversary of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s adoption of the ambitious Transformation Action Plan aimed at growing transit ridership.

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Stephanie Beechem
Network Management Business Case at risk of going off track

More than six months into the Network Management Business Case, the study is at risk of going seriously off track due to calls from transit agencies for time-consuming, exhaustive analysis to ‘prove’ the value of regionalizing certain transit system functions, which may limit the outcomes to incremental reforms.

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Ian Griffiths
Montreal Fare Overhaul: Movement Towards Seamless Transit

The regional transit planning agency for greater Montreal, The Autorite regionale de transport metropolitan (ARTM), recently unveiled a complete overhaul to the region’s 17 previous fare structures and 750 separate fares. With it, public transit for many in the area will become less expensive, simpler, and more seamless

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Elijah Burckin