Tell Bay Area transit agencies to preserve online & dial-in public comment

During the pandemic, virtual meetings turbocharged transit advocacy across California, enabling many more riders and advocates to speak up for rider and worker safety, integrated and equitable fares, service restoration, and more. But with Gov. Newsom’s executive orders slated to sunset once California is no longer in a state of emergency, the public is at risk of losing virtual access to public meetings when the pandemic ends.

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Stephanie Beechem
New report outlines options for centralized transit network management

Seamless Bay Area has released a new report, Governing Transit Seamlessly: Options for a Bay Area Transportation Network Manager, that outlines four potential options for a Bay Area transit network manager that could help bring transformative change to our transit system. This report is the culmination of years of research, interviews, and advocacy on how to restructure our region’s transportation institutions.

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Stephanie Beechem
An update on Connect the Bay, our new transit board game

Two weeks ago, we launched a Kickstarter campaign for Connect the Bay our the Bay Area’s first seamless transit board game. We are proud to report that in just two weeks, 109 people have signed up to back the game on Kickstarter! We’re now aiming to hit 250 backers by April 18, the final day of our Kickstarter campaign.

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Liz Broekhuyse
The Bay Area needs Link21—but current governance doesn’t set the project up for success

The long-awaited second transbay crossing is a step closer to reality. Link21 will likely be the single largest Bay Area infrastructure project of the next few decades. At the time of writing, it is still in the very early stages of planning. Little has been defined about the project beyond it being a new passenger rail tunnel between Oakland and San Francisco. But what we do know is that Link21 can revolutionize Bay Area transportation, if the project is governed and designed wisely.

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Siddharth Kotapati
Regional Fare Integration Study milestone achieved

On Tuesday, February 16th, the regional Fare Integration Task Force achieved a significant milestone by approving a robust set of options for more convenient, affordable, and predictable fares to be studied. Out of an initial long list of 23 different fare integration options, 6 were shortlisted for in-depth study. The shortlisted fare integration options will be evaluated on their potential to drive three desired objectives: increasing ridership, improving equity, and reducing driving.

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Serena Mau
BART board eager to weigh in on seamless transit and network management

On Thursday, January 28, the BART Board heard an agenda item about transit network coordination and the ongoing work of the Bay Area Blue Ribbon Transit Recovery Task Force. BART Board members, who recently voted to approve the Seamless Transit Principles, expressed strong interest in being engaged in the topic, and a desire for well-coordinated discussions on the topic of regional transit coordination.

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Adina Levin